Dirk Egelseer, CCV President
Quality Award 2022: CCV honours VIER customers gkk dialog and tricontes360
The 17th CCV Quality Awards were presented in mid-November as part of the annual conference. Companies were honoured for outstanding commitment in the areas of #customer satisfaction, #employee orientation, #IT innovation and – for the first time in 2022 – #best partnership.
The winners were the dialogue marketing agency gkk dialog in the #best partnership category and tricontes360, Contact Centre of Excellence, in the #customer satisfaction category. Both winners are customers of the technology company VIER. "tricontes360 and gkk dialog can rightly call themselves the best in the industry," congratulates VIER CEO Rainer Holler. "Therefore, we are of course celebrating with them!"

In the category #customer satisfaction, it's all about services that inspire customers: "tricontes360 convinced with digital auditing, a component of the AI-based solution VIER Interaction Analytics," explains VIER Head of Product Strategy Ralf Mühlenhöver. "This enabled us to optimise the customer approach and service quality." In the #best partnership category, the focus is on the strategic and long-term cooperation of several business partners. gkk dialog came out on top here. Ralf Mühlenhöver is enthusiastic: "For the 116117 patient service, gkk uses the omnichannel cloud solution from VIER and distributes the incoming telephone calls to up to 4,500 agents – an offer that is as important as it is successful, especially during the peak phase of the Corona pandemic.
Dirk Egelseer, CCV President and jury member, celebrates not only the winners at the Quality Award, but also the entire industry: "The high-quality applications once again showed that our industry is an innovation driver! VIER CEO Rainer Holler can only agree: "We are super-proud to have contributed to the success of the two winners with our innovative solutions! Customer enthusiasm is an important cornerstone of our "VIER Guiding Principles". And the Quality Award for our customers proves that this commitment is lived reality!"